The who, what and where of mandated reporting

Hopefully, all people who witness or suspect maltreatment will report the abuse. However, mandated reporters are a special group required to report suspected maltreatment.

Mandated reporters are professionals or professional’s delegate identified by law who MUST make a report if they have reason to believe that the abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult has occurred. "Mandated reporter" means a professional or professional’s delegate while engaged in:

    • Social services
    • Law enforcement
    • Education
    • Direct care
    • Licensed health and human services professionals (MS 214.01, subdivision 2)
    • Employment in a licensed facility
    • Medical examiner or coroner activities

MN Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) and the Common Entry Point (CEP)

Effective July 1, 2015, the Common Entry Point (CEP), the unit designated under Minnesota laws by the commissioner of human services for receiving reports of suspected maltreatment, will operate as the MN Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC).

  • Is available 24 hours per day to take calls from mandated and voluntary reporters of suspected maltreatment of vulnerable adults.

  • Immediately notifies the county agency responsible when the vulnerable adult needs immediate adult protective services.

  • Immediately notifies a law enforcement agency for any report of suspected maltreatment in which there is reason to believe a crime has been committed.

  • Immediately notifies the medical examiner and the Ombudsman for Mental Health and Development Disabilities for any report of suspected maltreatment which involves a suspicious death.

  • Refers reports of suspected maltreatment to the lead investigative agency (LIA), responsible for the report.

Reports of Suspected Maltreatment

Reports of suspected maltreatment of a vulnerable adult are made 24/7/365 to MAARC at 844-880-1574